Dr Victoria Fielding, Lead Researcher from the Murdoch Referendum Accountability Project, will present data and analysis from the first six weeks of monitoring News Corp’s referendum coverage.

This will be followed by a panel discussion with our co-chairs, Malcolm Turnbulll and Sharan Burrow.

When: Wednesday the 13th of September, 7:00-8:30pm AEST.

Where: Zoom webinar. Once you’re registered your attendance we will send you an email with all the details.


Join us for an online event to head about how the Murdoch Press is campaigning against the Voice. 

Headshots of Malcolm Turnbull, Sharan Burrow, and Dr Victoria Fielding with text "How is the Murdoch Press campaigning against the Voice? Join us for an online conversation on Wednesday September 13 at 7:00pm AEST. Register now at murdochroyalcommission.org.au/rsvp"