AEC #ProtectOurDemocracy

With FOX and Rupert on record saying they lied and undermined democracy, we need to know: what are our Australian electoral commissions doing to safeguard our democracy from the Murdoch Media’s insidious threat? Your email will be sent to the AEC and your relevant State Electoral Commission.

You might like to include:

  • With FOX and Rupert on record saying they lied and undermined democracy, we need to know: what are our electoral commissions doing to safeguard our democracy from the Murdoch Media’s insidious threat?

  • News Corp runs campaigns for conservatives in every election, biasing the outcome of our democracy.

  • Fear of being “monstered” by the Murdoch press determines what policies our leaders are willing and able to bring to voters.

  • The Murdoch media is a covert actor on our democracy influencing the outcome of elections.

  • This is a matter that affects us all and impacts every political decision made in this country.
  • We urge you to take urgent action to safeguard our democracy from the Murdoch media’s insidious threat.

Remember to keep your email polite and respectful.

Fill in your details first, so the AEC knows who’s emailed them.

Click “start writing” to write your email.
Then hit “send”.